Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Drug company profits

It is often claimed, by those against vaccination, that vaccines are big money makers for drug companies. This is, supposedly, the main reason drug companies make vaccines.  However, the cost of making a new drug is truly staggering and vaccines are not really the biggest money makers.

"The average drug developed by a major pharmaceutical company costs at least $4 billion, and it can be as much as $11 billion."

Between 1997 and 2011, Merck spent $67 billion on research and development and got 16 drugs approved.  Sanofi spent $63 billion and got 8 drugs approved. Pfizer spent $108 billion and got 14 drugs approved.

"There are lots of expenses here. A single clinical trial can cost $100 million at the high end, and the combined cost of manufacturing and clinical testing for some drugs has added up to $1 billion. But the main expense is failure. AstraZeneca does badly by this measure because it has had so few new drugs hit the market. Eli Lilly spent roughly the same amount on R&D, but got twice as many new medicines approved over that 15 year period, and so spent just $4.5 billion per drug."

"Right now, fewer than 1 in 10 medicines that start being tested in human clinical trials succeed."

In 2010, Merck reported $861 million profit, down 98% from 2009.
In 2010, Pfizer reported $8 billion in profit, down 8% from 2009

And what are the most profitable drugs for pharma companies?

Not one vaccine in that list.

Not a vaccine on that list either.

Vaccines are NOT the huge moneymakers the antivaxers would like you to believe. Vaccines are NOT created solely for the purpose of profit.  They are far too expensive to create for that purpose.  Don't fall for the antivaxer BS on this issue. It is not truthful.